Washington, DC
Washington, DC
The Benning Stoddert Recreation center is an existing recreational facility serving the community around Fort Dupont Park. Constructed in 1965, the capacity of the existing building does not meet current demand and it has experienced almost fifty years of wear and tear. The center is in critical need of a comprehensive upgrade or replacement in order to provide a safe, accessible, energy-efficient facility that meets its community’s current operational and functional needs. Under the District’s Department of General Services (DGS), the design team, led by Sorg Architects, has commenced the early design phases for a major renovation and addition totaling 14,000 sf to the Benning Stoddert Recreation Center.
Sorg embraced an opportunity to realize the maximum potential for daylighting and restoring the buildings’ original character. While the difference in elevation of the floors in the Gymnasium and the Recreation centers may initially appear as a challenge, it is an opportunity to apply universal design: movement through the space will be the same inclusive experience for all. Balancing cost with program is an on-going effort using design to maximize the benefit to the public for its investment and crucial to the success of this project.
The renovated facility will include a vestibule, lobby, office spaces, gymnasium, fitness rooms, computer room, multi-purpose room, social/ dance rooms, and locker rooms for the community. Benning Stoddert Recreation Center will be LEED Gold.